Friday, February 3, 2012

Mindful Eating...and Udon soup with Green Tea Broth

Have you ever eaten something, only to come to the last bite with little to no recollection of what you just ate and/or the process of eating it? I know I have, and then I’m left unsatisfied and more likely to eat again, whether I’m still hungry or not. I'm always a full time student or worker with at least one, more realistically two, jobs and always rushing everything! A few years ago I came across the concept of Mindful Eating. It completely changed my relationship with food. In between the classes, finals, papers, and working hours, I found ways to work around it and start enjoying, and I mean REALLY enjoying, my meals. I did some research on the subject but for the most part it was trial and error with a busy schedule. Here are the key concepts of mindful eating put into 3 steps that are realistic and easy to remember.

1) Be Present while eating. Got a lot on your mind? We all do. Try not to zone out during meals, try to really BE there. Pay attention to your meal, the presentation of it, the smells, your environment. Notice how your food looks, the colors, we all know we eat with our eyes first!
2) Slow Down. Chew! Notice every bite and really concentrate on it, make sure you are chewing your food enough. This also helps with digestion. Notice the different tastes and textures of every bite, all the flavors that are present in this meal. I promise you, you will feel more satisfied, and more than likely you will eat less and be way less likely to reach for an unnecessary dessert later.
3) When possible (Ideally always), sit down to eat. No, not in front of the TV! When you sit down to eat, just eat. Even if you are eating with friends or family, make sure to take your time and really notice everything going on with your meal. Sometimes I have to eat while walking from class to work or vice versa. When this happens I just try to make sure that even though I'm walking, I eat slow and REALLY notice what I'm eating.
Seems simple enough, really, but from experience I know these can be difficult at times. Is it worth it? Yes, absolutely. Eating mindfully can turn the simplest meals into the best ones. Be easy with yourself, and patient, it will pay off :) 

Now for the recipe: Udon Soup with Green Tea Broth

I found this on Yahoo awhile back, it's super simple, grab some green tea (Loose or in bags), udon noodles, salt. I added tofu and green onions, but really, the sky is the limit with this recipe, add whatever you want! Maybe some tomatoes, scrambled eggs, cashews, onions, cucumbers, I could go on and on....

Boil some water, when it's boiling turn off the heat and steep your tea bags. I know there's a whole science to green tea, I had someone explain it to me once. The only thing I remember for SURE is to never make green tea in boiling water, hot but not boiling. Steep for 5-10 minutes. While it was steeping I cubed the tofu and chopped up the green onions. I LOVE green onions, which is weird because I really can't stand regular onions...hmm...

 When tea is ready, take out bags and put the flame back on, throw in some salt. I should have measured exactly buuuut I just used a palm-full, which I learned from Rachel Ray is about a tablespoon. The thing is, I think this varies with hand size. Just taste it to make sure it's not too salty, that's the safest bet ;) When boiling, put the noodles in. They don't take long to cook, but when you sense they are almost ready put the tofu in there. Stir. When all is said and done, use the onions to garnish the soup. 

Super simple. Delish. Healthy. Satisfying. 

 For me this was a meal, but it could definitely just be an appetizer or snack. That's all for now, I'll post again soon :)

"May the star that lies deep within light the way to your dreams" 
- Dodinsky