Saturday, July 13, 2013

Grilled Mushroom and Spinach Pizza

Oh dear heavens, was this good!
Grilling a pizza is new to me, so this is my first, and dare I say successful, attempt. 

Grilled Mushroom and Spinach Pizza

Whole Wheat Dough (I used store bought, because it's good, and I'm lazy!)
Mushrooms, your choice of what kind
1 clove Garlic, chopped
1/2 Onion, chopped
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Thyme
Grated Mozzarella
FRESH Mozzarella! Ohhhh this stuff is heavenly

Heat a generous amount of Olive Oil over medium heat, add red pepper flakes and a shake each of salt and pepper, heat until fragrant. Remove from heat and add the chopped garlic, set aside.

In the pan, heat another generous swig of olive oil, and add onions. Heat until they soften and start to smell REALLY good. Add mushrooms! Throw in a splash of balsamic, I dare ya ;) Cook until all caramelized and delicious. Remove from heat and toss in some fresh thyme, the leaves (removed from the stem, duh!)

Get your boyfriend to start on the dough! Or do it yourself, or sucker someone else into it. Brush both sides with the garlic oil you made earlier. Heat on the grill until mostly cooked, then remove from heat. 

Put some torn fresh Mozzarella and a fistful of grated Mozzarella, and some of the onions, and return to the grill.

Once all melty, it looks done, but it's not! Remove from grill and add a handful of chopped spinach, and a drizzle of balsamic. And now, NOW, you have heaven :)

Pair with a good wine. Enjoy!