Friday, October 17, 2014

Veggie no-bread BLT

Veggie BLT

Yea, I could have used bread, but I didn't. It's delicious with bread, but if you're GF or cutting carbs, or simply just want a lighter lunch, this works great! 

And did I mention that I grew these lettuce leaves? In my garden? WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS?!
Impressed? No? Well that's ok, I was happy about it :) 

So that's it. Lettuce, bacon (I used Veggie Morningstar bacon, Veganaise, and tomatoes. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Italian Chickpea "Bread"

I feel like I haven't posted in forever! For the 3 people that follow my blog, I DO truly hope you make this. It's really, really good. 

And easy :)

You'll need:

2 1/2 cups of Chickpea (garbanzo bean) flour. I found mine at a tiny healthfood store, but I would guess it's at Sprouts, Whole Foods, etc....
3 1/2 cups COLD water
Olive oil

Pour the flour and salt and pepper into a bowl and slowly whisk the cold water into it...

 Now THIS IS IMPORTANT! Let it sit for about 3 hours. Walk away. Go to the gym, Read a book. Watch a movie. Don't skip this step!!

After 3 hours have elapsed, put the olive oil into a baking sheet (or a couple, I had a lot of batter). Be generous! Pour the batter in about 1/2 inch. Don't make it too thick. 

Bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes. Let cool and slice into little squares.

It's tempting, but please, let it cool a bit!

Serve with a delicious spread. Maybe it's pesto. Maybe it's tapenade. Maybe it's cheese! Hummus would be ok too but that might overload the beany-ness of it all.

It's not really "Bread", but damn, it's good.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Superfood Pesto!

Superfood pesto
 1/3 cup pine nuts, 2 cloves garlic, 2 handfuls baby spinach, one handful kale leaves, salt, pepper, drizzle of olive oil and juice of 1/2 lemon. Blend!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Eggplant "Pizza"

This has to be the 3rd, 4th, possibly even 5th pizza recipe I've posted. What can I say? I love the stuff ;)

1 Eggplant, not the small ones, a bigger one
Pesto, tomato sauce, cheese, WHATEVER you'd like to put on it.

Slice up the eggplant into rounds, place in lightly salted water for about 30 minutes. Put a bowl or plate on them to keep them submerged. When you take them out dry them pretty well.

Place on lightly oiled (or nonstick) baking sheet, bake for about 15 minutes. Take them out and arrange your toppings. I put pre-made pesto on one with fresh mozarella, and tomato sauce with fresh mozz on the other. Turn the oven to broil and put them in for another 5-10 minutes. Keep a close watch! These burn easy...

Then enjoy :)

These go great with wine!