Monday, January 9, 2012


I'm trying to eat less sugar. Less sugar, less salt and oil, and more veggies and the good stuff. Oops! Not "trying", I AM (because this is the new year, time for cheange, right?).

As a vegetarian, I've had a tendency to think it's ok for me to eat a little badly. I've gotten those chips/fries with my sandwich because, hey, it's just veggies between that whole wheat bread! I always figured I was somehow canceling out the bad with the good. Rationally, I know this isn't true. It's time for me to take OUT the bad stuff out of my diet to fit in whole foods with actual nutritional value.

Life works the same way, I think. At least mine has. I've attempted to do EVERYTHING, and in the end it all suffered, both jobs and my grades. Quitting one of my two jobs wasn't an easy decision. I had to make the choice to be less financially comfortable, and I am pretty sure I've disappointed at least one person I love in the process. Now, the drama has blown over, and I feel like I'm in limbo, waiting for the semester to start. So in my world, I am substituting my side of fries for something more nutritious, like fruit, or these delicious Kale Chips I've recently learned to make! (Get it? Eh?)

So! Since this is my year of doing less (and accomplishing more), I have decided to share my experience with Kale Chips.

Kale (I just bought a "bunch" from Fresh & Easy)
Olive Oil 
A bit of grated Parm (That's parmesan cheese, in case you didn't know)
Pinch of Salt

(Yes, those are my new Salt and Pepper Shakers!)
 So I took the leaves off the tough stems and threw them around a baking sheet, I sprinkled some olive oil and the parm, along with a little salt:
Here are those pesky stems (I should find a better use for them, instead of throwing them out):

I baked them for about 12 minutes at 375 and Ta-da!!:

Aaaaannnd then my roomie and I enjoyed them with a refreshing glass of lemonade :)

One day, ideally, I won't crave salty chips, but for now, these are pretty darn delicious :)

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