Friday, September 28, 2012

Baked Caprese Wontons

Okokok. So these aren't that healthy. Sue me! Well, actually, please don't, I'm broke ;P

Anyway these are super easy and cheap, so in that sense I am sticking to the original point of this blog.

Wonton wrappers
Fresh mozzarella
Fresh basil (used mine from my patio!)
Balsamic vinegar
1 egg

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. 

I truly love fresh mozzarella. This isn't my favorite kind, I usually love the ones that are floating in some kind of liquid, if I'm going to eat it raw. But I'm melting this so I went with this one, it was on sale. 

<3 basil

This was the start of my assembly line. I had everything lined up and forgot to take a picture! Anyway, put a tiny bit of mozzarella, chopped basil, a tiny bit of balsamic, and a tiny bit of marinara.

Add a little egg white to the edges then fold up. Place on baking sheet (with some EVOO so it doesn't stick), brush on a bit of EVOO on the top, and put in oven for aaaaaabouuuuut 7 minutes. But watch them, they burn easy! Also, I overstuffed a few so they exploded. I got the hang of it later. I'd say "oops", but the cheese that leaked out onto the baking sheet was quite delicious. Just saying :)

And then....

Oh my....


K that's it folks. No wisdom, no yoga tonight. Just baked caprese wontons. Enjoy :)


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