Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rosemary/Brie/Sweet Potato/Cranberry Appetizer

I didn't know what to call these! I found them on Pinterest, but they were made with goat cheese aaaaaand I'm not exactly a fan :/ so I used Brie. It's delicious!

Slice up your sweet potatoes, coat with a teeny bit of olive oil, and bake at 375 for 10 minutes, turn them over, and bake for 10 more minutes. These should be sliced about 1/4 inch thick. Let them cool.

Mix your cheese (goat, brie, anything spreadable) with some chopped fresh rosemary. Spread on the little wheels, top with dried cranberries, a drizzle of (local, organic) honey, and a sprinkle of black pepper. That's it. 


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Kale, Mushrooms, and Cheddar...2 ways :)

I LOVE fresh vegetables, and I love them in season, on sale. But to feed 2 people, sometimes I have to get creative, or else my veggies go bad before I can use them.

I also like things I can make ahead of time, so the scarce time I do have with boyfriend, I'm not prepping food! Here are 2 simple ways to use leftover kale, mushrooms, and sharp cheddar (I LOVE the blocks from Trader Joe's, after slicing some up to eat with crackers and apples, I surprisingly still had some left!)

Ok here goes. 

Ingredients for the FILLING:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Onion

Saute the garlic and onion first, then add mushroom. When the mushrooms start getting soft add the kale, this is when I put a cover on top so the kale could steam for a couple of minutes. Watch it to make sure you don't over cook it. Should be soft but NOT mush!

So the first thing I made with this delicious mix was a Homemade Lean Pocket! 

Easy Dough Recipe:

2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt

Knead until it sticks together, then I was able to make 3 pockets with these measurements. Split dough into 3 parts, flatten out, then fill with some of the veggie mix and a couple slices of that cheddar!

Bake at 400 for....about 20-25 minutes. Or until brown. 

Sure beats a "Lean Pocket" from the store! Best thing is, these are portable, and easily frozen and reheated for when you're in a hurry.


 The second thing I did with this, is I made a frittata. I spread the mixture in a baking dish and covered with 4 eggs, that I whipped beforehand. I chopped up a veggie sausage and then topped with cheese. You can put it this in the fridge until you want to put it in the oven! Here's a before...

And an after...

That's it. Enjoy. :)