Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baked Tofu Quinoa Wraps

Good morning!

So now that I'm working a real job again (at least I hope so!), I like to find easy, portable lunches. Here's one I found a basic recipe for and made it my own, which typically means easier and with less ingredients.

I'll start with the baked tofu. I didn't think it ever mattered to drain the liquid out or not, turns out it DOES! Anyway, get some extra firm tofu and place the block in between a paper towel. Put something heavy on top to press the liquid out.

So you start with this plain, blah block of tofu.

And here's my creative way of putting weight on it. You can use a book or recreate my balancing act :)

Ha! Ok preheat your oven to 400 degrees. After the Tofu has been under some weight for 30 minutes, cut into cubes and sprinkle with some extra virgin olive oil and some pepper or garlic powder if you'd like. Bake for 30 minutes until brown and delicious. I always wondered how to make restaurant-like tofu, well this is it folks! Yummy yummy yummy.

Ingredients for Wrap:
Your Baked Tofu
Cooked Quinoa (cook according to package)
Hummus (any flavor you'd like)
Green Onions
Spinach (mine is missing this because I forgot to buy it, but add it in for that extra crunch and iron and all the goodness spinach packs!)
Whole Grain Wraps (Got mine at Fresh and Easy, but Trader Joes has awesome wraps too)

MMmmmmmm Hummus... (I'm saying that the way a healthy Homer Simpson would say it)

Add Quinoa and Baked Tofu. See that lovely brown on the tofu? That's what baking will do, along with giving it an awesome texture.

Protein packed lunch!

Some Salt and Pepper bakes chips and I'm set! Happy Lunching!

From my heart to yours, stay healthy!


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