Thursday, January 3, 2013

Apricot and Arugula Grilled Cheese

Happy New Year! Among my resolutions this year are the usual, to run more, more Yoga, less sugar, etc. And BLOG MORE! So hopefully my recipes get healthier as the year goes on, but right now I wanted to share my favorite recipe (well, one of my favorites) for Grilled Cheese. I mean, we all know that basically anything can go on a grilled cheese, but something about this combination is just magnificent. Try it!

- Thick sliced bread. I used Whole Wheat Tuscan style from Trader Joe's, but any thick, harder slices will work.
- Cheese. I used Grass-fed Aged White Cheddar from Trader Joe's.
- Apricot Jam
- Arugula. Fresh and Organic from the Farmers Market! 
- Butter or Vegan Butter. No margarine please. And you don't need much, just a very thin layer on each side.
- Patience! This takes longer to make. Let it. It's worth it ;)
- A good red wine. This is just my recommendation for most meals, I'm sure this would go well with White Wine too....

I'll explain this, even though I don't really need to. Spread the Jam on your bread, slice up the cheese and then place in a buttered skillet. Keep the heat low and turn often. Keep an eye on it, it takes a few minutes for the cheese to melt because the bread is so thick, don't skimp on this! You want crispy bread and melted cheese, trust me.

When the cheese is all gooey and delish, open the Sandwhich and stuff some Arugula in there.

I think it wants a close up...

Super simple, super yummy, and something about the Apricot, Cheddar, and Arugula all together just makes me happy :)

From my heart to yours, Happy 2013!!


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